Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I didn't realize I would have postpartum munchies for weird food - I just had THREE strawberry sandwiches. Had to have them. With butter on the bread and nicely sliced juicy strawberries.

Anyways... a couple of cute videos, this time we got Tula smiling. I don't know if she was happy to be punching away at Junior, but I'm sure he'll get her back for it someday. And some new pictures through the Flickr link.

Other news

- both kids are growing out of their clothes faster than I can pull out the bigger stuff,

- Tula has a birthmark on her tush (is she going to kill me for posting this?) and

- they've both found their fists and are actively shoving them in their mouths
- cute little smiles are slowly changing into full blown giggles!

xoxo to all


Connie said...

Hands down, the cutest things EVER!!!!


Samantha said...

oh I can't wait to meet them, and hold them, and squeeze them, and love on them.... hurry before they are 20!