Friday, July 11, 2008

i know, finally something new...

Well, we're all moved in. Actually we've still got half of our stuff in boxes, but the most important - the baby's room is all finished. And we're still waiting on some furniture. I know this is late coming, but I was by myself all week, so the twins had all attention. They would hear nothing on synchronization, so as you can imagine, there just was no time. I got up at 7 or 8 am, then all of the sudden.... it was 7 pm! So this is my first time at the computer and I'm so tired I don't even know what to write to you. I'll just blog some pics and videos and call it quits for the night. I though it was 7pm now (that's when I put the kids down), but it's already 9:15 pm (that's when they fall asleep).

1 comment:

YoBo said...