Tuesday, August 05, 2008

new pics and videos

Hi all,

We're back in Warsaw for a couple of days to see Tata off. He's just left about an hour ago and we are all very sad :(

We had a great time and I think Dziadius had lots of fun with the twins as you will see in the pics (see flickr).

New things the kids are doing:
- they both found their hands and are chomping away

- Tula found her feet a couple of days ago and was mighty excited

- Tula has also started to giggle out laud just like Junior and she has started to roll over onto her back and back

- Junior is working on belly time and finally starting to enjoy it a bit - see picture
- both Junior and Tula started reaching for me when I go to pick them up -- joy!!!

- neither one has anymore tummy problems (not so in my case :)

- just like a typical guy, Junior won't let go of the booby - the nights are getting tougher as Junior wants the booby all to himself

More to come in a moment if the kids stay asleep :)

1 comment:

Samantha said...

OH MY GOODNESS the cuteness is almost to much to take! That smile is so amazingly wonderful... now if we could only see it in person! :)
Hope all is well
Love you lots