Monday, October 06, 2008

Vacation continued

So much going on since last month and everything clouded over by my Mamusia, here it is in a nutshell:

- the kids are going to swimming class once a week

- we went on vacation to Egypt, where we spent a great week in the sun (well, in the shade for me and the twins); the babies had a great time swimming and playing and Jacek spent most of his time on the water windsurfing,

- teeth are coming in!!

- the twins went to one of my lectures on heart disease in puppies - they were great listeners but fell asleep half way through the lecture. We had a great time in a town called Spala, where the Polish Olympic teams get ready for their various disciplines - kind of a cool place, but built sometime in the 60's or 70's...

The rest - let the pictures speak for themselves (more via Flickr).

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