Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Not even crying!

Dear All,
Once again my bestest and most wonderful sis surprised me, causing me to cry great big, huge tears, and I want to thank you guys for pitching in. I'm talking about the virtual surprise baby shower. I really didn't want to do anything before the babies were born; no furniture, no baby room preparations, no baby clothes, no baby nail clippers, etc. etc. It was really hard to go buy clothes for the babies that we needed for the hospital stay (there is a list of things you are required to bring to the hospital, including diapers!) But since Agi and the girls, and then my mom got here, a lot has changed. I wouldn't say I'm the normal expectant mother (there are no baby or parenting magazines anywhere and we only spend a little part of our days talking about what it will be like) but because of Agi's infectious goodness and all of your gifts, I'm getting more excited in a happy and not just a nervous way.

Thank you all for the wonderful gifts. My house has now filled up with baby stuff; everything from stroller (thanks Iza, Kevin, Dudy and P. Muchlinska!) to car seats (Mom, Dad & Laura and Andrzej) to an assortment of baby clothes, accessories and paraphernalia (a long list of great friends and family). We even have a whole set of baby furniture (yay Mom & Dad!) albeit still in boxes. I just can't get past that one, arranging the babies' room. Jacek will do that once the babies are born and while we are still in the hospital.
Needless to say, I bawled and laughed throughout the baby shower (especially when I opened the beautiful boxes you made and letters you wrote, Lala - only the ones addressed to us). I think Agi took some video, so you might get a glimpse of what hormones do to an otherwise perfectly normal person. I think you are all wonderful and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being with us, for all the words of encouragement, and wonderful gifts. Keep your fingers crossed for a couple-three more days. It's now Tuesday morning and I go to the hospital Thursday evening for a Friday morning scheduled C-section.
We love you guys,
Maggi & Jacek


calamitykitchen said...

Just you wait! The best is yet to come. Enjoy these waning days of calm. We love you very much and think about you every day, this week especially!
Lots of love

Connie said...

Glad you enjoyed your virtual shower! We think of you constantly.

xo Connie