Sunday, September 20, 2009

Rozne zdjecia z telefonu / random pics from the iphone

Wracamy do jezyka angielskiego dla rodziny w Stanach.
OK, back to some English for the American side of out fam.. enjoy.
Karuzela w San Diego... dzieci byly sredni zachwycone... ale my sie dobrze bawilismy :)
Carousel in San Diego..the twins were kind of not sure about the whole thing, but we had a good time..

...oczywiscie Junior nie chce zejsc z 'traktora' nawet na minute, tym razem Zosia mu towarzyszy
..Junior's favourite, the tractor, he didn't want to get off for a minute, here with Zofia having a blast..

Tula koniecznie chciala sie ubrac w kalosze i korale..
Tula decided to get dressed on her own with galoshes and a necklace..
i typowy poranek...
and a typical morning..

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